Dream League Soccer Kits is a place where you can find reviews of soccer games, kits of different clubs & national teams, give the solution of different games. We also design Barcelona kit URL, Real Madrid kit URL, PSG kit URL, and Juventus kit URL. Our team mission is to give the best soccer gaming reviews to our readers. We offer the right opportunity for you to enjoy up to $1000 financial support by simply following the rules outlined below.
Fts Dls Kits $1000 Scholarship Program Topic:
You are expected as part of your application requirements to talk about ‘’Why Soccer is better than baseball (Give Reasons)”. A reward of $1000 will be given to the winner.
Who Qualifies:
- High school, college, and university students.
- Students from all over the world can apply.
How to Apply:
Write a creative and informative in-depth essay on ‘’Why Soccer is better than baseball (Give Reasons)” in 1000-1500 words. Submit your essay by emailing us at “[email protected]” with the subject “Why Soccer is better than baseball”
We work on stringent terms so make sure that you have provided the following details in the email.
- Name
- Date of Birth
- Phone Number, Mailing Address or any other means of contact
- Education Background consisting of detailed info on studies during High School, graduation and masters if applied.
- A short auto-biography comprising of 500-800 words that gives the best and comprehensive info about you.
- Please take notice that this won’t count into your evaluation but it will be posted alongside your essay in case you win for them to know more about you.
- Must be currently attending or planning to attend a college or university.
- Must be in good academic standing with your current educational institution.
- For applicants under 18, must have permission from a parent or legal guardian.
Program Deadline:
The essay topic is to be submitted any time from August 1st, 2019 to July 31st, 2020. And only one student will be selected as a winner. The winning article will be announced on December 15th, 2020. The cheque for the winner will be available on December 31st, 2020.
- The application is free.
- Students from all over the world may apply.
- No plagiarism. If all or part of your essay is found to be plagiarized, your entry will be invalidated.
- We will contact the winner to confirm their contact details.